I feel like a zombie... Grats to those who got the joke between the title and such. So yeah anyways I havent got any sleep since about 3:00 yesterday. I stayed up all night working on this project for a talent contest on gaia worth 100K.
Here: http://trportfolio.net/upload/view_upl oad.php?id=906513
I find it rather amusing and I best win it or elz! Or else I will be a sad puppy with a homicidal knife... or not, idk. I am feeling too drowsy to type right now. OH! also I got the video mentioned in my previous blog completed but youtube is being a douche and won't letz me upload it *insert angry face here*. So yea besides that everything is fan-fucking-tastic! (oh, yea and I also walk about 2 miles to my girlfriends half an hour ago *passes out and drools on keyboard*)
love, peace, and chicken grease,
it was ok.
but you should add a background to it :c
also the voiceacting could be better :o
overal its pretty nice