Last nigt was fun for me. First me, my sister, and her friend went to subway after I pwned him in a couple of rounds of kille instince (C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER) then we hit up the mall. We just hung out there for awhile visting whatever stores, you know just chilling. We actually stayed till it closed. We were in this tea shop place and I had gotten green tes and holy hell talk about strong. I could have sworn I was grazing on grass with the taste of this thing. After that we went to this big ass glow in the dark putt putt place, where I came in second.There was this table there that glows in the dark and leaves a mark after you get off it.
Heres a link: qr4g
That was a cool table (wow I'm easily amused). to top it all of we went it saw the last showing of the dark night with its badd assery. We had caught the last showing at 11:35 and got out at almost 2:20 in the morning. Aftwards I went back home to my moms and played some more killer instinct on one player, beat it on really hard with tommohawk, and beat the metroid prime game (snes: super nintendo entertainment system). My thumb is so calised and bruise that it looks like a plum! It was worth it though, fun times.