View Profile cory-leo
Me? Well I like to animate, hang out with friends, nerd it up on the inter- why am I typing? It's not like your reading this. I could say whatever I want right now, for example your breath smells of stinky fish chee- oh you read that part.. um.. sorry?

cory cooper @cory-leo

Age 33, Male


brandon high school


Joined on 6/28/05

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cory-leo's News

Posted by cory-leo - September 9th, 2008

well I am getting realy sick of keeping up with the daily blog so I am not going to do i anymore. School started and I am too busy. Sorry but thats the way it is.

lovea, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - September 7th, 2008


love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - September 6th, 2008

Its the first weekend I got out of school. Better belive I slept in. oh F*** yea!. anyways I'm at my beauty's house and I got to go so....

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - September 5th, 2008

Well today my girlfriend got the same lunch hour with me. That was awesome. Her class was supposed to switch lunch hours with another class but they arent allowing it for some ghey reason but so many people didnt show up for class that they just let them go to a anyways. Ya so that was cool. Hope it happens again.

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - September 4th, 2008

Ok, so I over reacted yesterday. My OCT classes are actually cool. i got to see the animation and modeling programs they use and they rock! plus including transportation, I get 30 mins. out of school. Thats fun =). Also my girlriend has my lunch hour now. Yay. So everthing little thing is gonna be alright.

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - September 3rd, 2008

I am seriously p'o'd right now. First I go to my bus stop and wait almost 20 mins for the dang bus then when it comes it turns out I have to sit with a bunch middle schoolers. When the buss finally got to the school it was 7:00 and she wouldnt let us out of the bus till 7:15 so we were held captive. I walk around the shool looking for my gf but I dont find her. First and second hour go well and I gett to see my gf. but then my first day at the trasmit tech school happend. I was going for visual imaging which I was led to believe taught animation. I was wrong, its basically another stupid shabby art class. So I'm there for 3 hours and finally get to go home when my bus decides to take a new really long route home. I walk to my house from my bus stop thinking things cant get worse then BAM! I walk into my house seeing my bedroom door is open, but I closed it before I left so my step-mom must have opend it for taters (my dog) and I walk in and holy %*$&ing $#^@! My dog chewd apart my headphones and my microphone. They werent cheao either. So now I am really angry so I am gonna murder people on css to relive stress.

hate, war, and beef juice,

Posted by cory-leo - September 2nd, 2008

Tommorow is my first day back to schoooland I'm gonna be a senior this year. So not ready for this but w/e. All I know is I'm gonna be decked out in new apperal, everything new except my socks. Thats one good thing about back to school is the new gear. Well got to go, time for some css!

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - September 1st, 2008

Well I am little confused as to what to post on my devoted daily blog... well you already know I start school Monday, but I'm gonna have trouble with that. Lately I have staying up late as all hell so I need to fix my sleping schedule. Hopefully I'm not zombie-like on my first day back. hmm oh, also I broke my tablet pen /sadface. Its currently being held together by tape, at least it still work. If I need a battery replacement I'm fuxored though. Agh, things breaking. RAWR!

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - August 31st, 2008

Well yesterday I said that I was attending a laua, I was wrong. It's today and I'm actually currently helping with setting up the laua wich is at 6:00. I can't wait to see Hannah though, I miss he so much :(. So I'm making this a special shout out to her. I love you Hannah <3!!!

Posted by cory-leo - August 30th, 2008

Where do I start... well my school went into trimester this year giving me and all other senior a bunch of electives. I used it for somthing called OTC which is a tech commute school at a university. Its funny because the only senoirs who havent gone before got accepted is me and my friend Jason. My other friends chris and robert got accepted to and we have it in the second half of the day. I'm getting animation courses =). That lasts half the day for the second half. For the first half I'm at my actual school I have and wars of the 20th century and tv broadcasting. The teacher in he tv broadcasting actually wants to collab on some projects. This is gonna be a fun year, I am gonna miss Hannah though =(.

love, peace, and chicken grease,