View Profile cory-leo
Me? Well I like to animate, hang out with friends, nerd it up on the inter- why am I typing? It's not like your reading this. I could say whatever I want right now, for example your breath smells of stinky fish chee- oh you read that part.. um.. sorry?

cory cooper @cory-leo

Age 33, Male


brandon high school


Joined on 6/28/05

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cory-leo's News

Posted by cory-leo - August 18th, 2008

Two words- ram upgrade. I went to best buy yesterday and the original sticks of ram I was gonna buy were $75 a peice. I was gonna get two but then I was making shure which one I needed with geek squad and he pointed me out to this one that was $149.99 a piece but on sale for *drum roll* $59.99. Cheaper and better then what I was gonna get! Not only that but it was the last two! I quickly got those and then I wanted to see what was up with my disc drive not auto running nor burning cds so geek squad checked it and fixed it for me free of charge when they should've charged me $30! They rule ^-^!
So anyways time to go upgrade my comps ram from 512mb of ram to 2gigs of ram!

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - August 17th, 2008

Wow the fun has been persistent this weekend and as soon as I got home from cedar point I passed out. It was fun there. There was this band with this most incredible drummer who was just wicked at it. Speaking of drums there was a drumming type game that was really fun! Its not like rock band where you just follow the patterns, you did whatever you wanted to do and the computer judged your skill and if you are good enough to pass. I did ^-^. Agh so tired though. Right now I'm heading off to bestbuy to buy my computer more ram, see whats up with my external hard drive and if it can be put into my computer, and see what kind of "dv" cord I need for my camera so I can record off the TV and stuff. My ram is going to be installed tomorrow because the place I was going to get it installed at is closed on Sundays. So anyways I got to get to bestbuy before it closes.

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - August 16th, 2008

I don't even know where to start, as many of my awesome regular viewers (you know who you are you awesome people you) My birthday was yesterday. They will also notice that this blog is extremely early.
Now back on topic. Yesterday I saw the flow bots (feels weird saying because was actually a couple of hours ago) and since it was an open seating place I got there extremely early because I was determined to be first in. Needles to say I was because the concert started letting people in at 6:50 and I was there since 3:00. I got there before Flobots did! lol. anyways, we (my mom, my girlfriend, and me) had gone to subway before the show and my mom still had her drink to throw away (was empty) so we took a stroll around the block to throw it away and kill some time. As I'm walking I notice this group of people that I feel like I know. I assumed first that they were Flobots fans (had the bandannas) so we raced them back to the concert hall. We got there before them so I was like boo yahh but then they get closer and its them! It's actually Flobots! They said hi to us (only ones there thus far) so we talked to them a bit and I even got Brer's signature on my ticket stub (pfft people mocked for caring a sharpie with me everywhere we go, HA!). So then we waited got it and it turns out it is open seating but lets just say there was no seats so it was more like open standing. We got right up next to the fence thing by he stage. FREAK YAHH! So then everyone piled it cramming up the place.
First band to come one was "One mans opinion". Never heard before but they rocked. Then there was this shitty ass rap band that I didn't like all to well (not even a band, it was a DJ and a rapper. DJ rapped as well) So I suffered trough that (Flobots was next) and at this point my legs hurt like heck (because if you remember I hurt my ankle yesterday playing air hockey) and some doing was flipping out on my mom for us scooting over because we gradually getting pushed over. Freaking twat got in trouble from smoking, HA!, and lost his spot from some other people. Then the time came, what I was waiting for, FLOBOTS!
They came out people went nuts (me too). They rocked that show! There is a song where the crowd says "rise" over and over but I knew the whole song so I was saying "together we" between the "rises" and Jonny 5 looked straight at me and pointed me like "hell yeah" and edged me on to do it louder so I did but by the time I go to the fifth "together we" everyone was saying that. Once I got the crowd swaying too. At the end when they were done I cheered "Flobots" and everyone joined me and they did an encore! Best birthday ever!
Left after that got a chicken salad from wendys ate like 5 bites, put it in the fridge for tomorrow and got in the shower cause beer got on me like rain from above *shudders* eew.
Now for the matter of why I am blogging at such a ridiculously early time. Well its simple in about 2 hours I am getting up and going to cedar point!! mwhahaha! This is so cool. I'm gonna sleep all the way there with my girl though. I love her so much =). Can't wait and I have alot more to talk about but for now my peeps I'm sorry but I need some shut eye. (oh yea I before I forget I taught my new dog taters to sit yesterday!) Tell ya more tomorrow with more special news as well!

Love, peace, and chicken salad,

Posted by cory-leo - August 15th, 2008

Well not only is it clock day here on NG but my birthday as well (fuckin thunder stealing clock bastards!!! <3)
Thats right you heard me its my birthday. I'm turning 17 around 8:30 PM and today I'm going to see Flobots (greatest band ever). Its gonna be so cool ^-^! The sad thing is yesterday I went to the mall with some friends and we were hanging out at the arcade (Gameworks) and you think I would mess up my ankle playing DDR or something (I play it on high levels) but no I hurt while playing air hockey! Agh. I iced it all night so it feels alot better, I just hope it doesn't interfere with today nor tomorrow. Whats happening tomorrow? well I know I am getting up around 4:00 am. For what? You'll see... or rather read.

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - August 14th, 2008

Well lately I have been secretive about what I put into my blog. Know the truth shall be revealed as to why, but heres the thing. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. Actually you probably can so here goes. Tomorrow 8/15/08 is my *drum roll* birthday! I will be turning 17 and I have the whole weekend planned out for funness. That includes Friday as well. So I will update you as to what I am doing that day as the time comes. Alright then I gtg meet up my my gf peepz so gotta go.

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - August 13th, 2008

I feel like a zombie... Grats to those who got the joke between the title and such. So yeah anyways I havent got any sleep since about 3:00 yesterday. I stayed up all night working on this project for a talent contest on gaia worth 100K.
Here: http://trportfolio.net/upload/view_upl oad.php?id=906513

I find it rather amusing and I best win it or elz! Or else I will be a sad puppy with a homicidal knife... or not, idk. I am feeling too drowsy to type right now. OH! also I got the video mentioned in my previous blog completed but youtube is being a douche and won't letz me upload it *insert angry face here*. So yea besides that everything is fan-fucking-tastic! (oh, yea and I also walk about 2 miles to my girlfriends half an hour ago *passes out and drools on keyboard*)

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - August 12th, 2008

Well yesterday I went bike riding with my girlfriend again and we decided to go subway. Well this time I brought my camera a we made a nice little adventure video out of it. I am still putting it together but it will pwn when it is finished. I will give the link sometime this week if not tomorrow. booyashaka.

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - August 11th, 2008

Well I haven't been able to see my girlfriend for 2 days now and I fell lonely Its because usually for us seeing each other is a daily constant. I might get to see her today going to the mall and all. Oh yea ddr-ness. I can't wait to see her today, SHE WILL BE GlOMPED *dun Dun DUNNNNNN*

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - August 10th, 2008

Woot! Thats right 30 smackaroos, bucks, dollars, ext. You're probably thinking this is an opportune moment for you to land $30 huh? Well you're wrong, I'm actually just posting about how I just got $30 given to me within two rectangular paper objects. One was a $10 bill and one was a $20 bill but both were crisp and new. I already know I am gonna spend it on my girlfriend or for something else.
Whats that "something else"? Well I'll tell ya... sometime this upcoming week as well as tell you why I got it. I don't want to post about it to soon but when the time comes I have quite a bit to report. All I know is I am anxious to tell ya guys/girls ;).

love, peace, and chicken grease,

Posted by cory-leo - August 9th, 2008

well today I was thinking about blogging about an upcoming event quite special to me but it might be to soon. It isn't actually for a week but I can tell you this, its gonna be a thrilling time even though sometimes there will be hills to get over. Ugh, i really feel like talking about it today but I can't >.>

Anyways besides that I am much closer to finishing my little project that I have been working on for such a long time. I got the whole first set designed and ready for animation. Tis gonna be great when its finished!

love, peace, and chicken grease,